Back to Health 3D animations
Back to Health 3D animations
Project details
Back to Health
Back To Health commissioned our team to create a series of 3D animations that would be integrated into their mobile app.
These animations were designed to instruct users on how to perform chiropractic exercises safely and effectively, as prescribed by their body scanning app. The animations featured a family engaging in everyday life tasks, highlighting how these activities can impact back pain.
This approach not only educated users about safe practices but also demonstrated practical applications in a relatable and engaging manner.
The 3D animations were enthusiastically received by the app users, leading to a significant increase in video watch rates.
This positive reception not only validated the effectiveness of the animations in enhancing user engagement and understanding but also solidified our client’s trust in our capabilities.
As a result, Back To Health awarded us the contract to rebrand the application, adopting the animation format to further improve user experience and interaction with the app.
What our client had to say about us
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